January 16, 2025

Nearly 64 percent of American adults have a meal in a restaurant at least one time each week, according to a recent survey by QSR Magazine, a publication for the restaurant industry. They said that convenience is the top reason they go out to eat. 

The decorating in your restaurant can help appeal to their desire for convenience because it can be an easy place to find because of its exterior and how inviting it is, and it can feel comfortable and have ways to make eating there fun and even convenient. Foot traffic outside your restaurant could be attracted to your restaurant with a unique front door and an interesting restaurant sign. The dining room inside the restaurant should have a focal point that most of the customers can see from where they are seated, but an interior design that is balanced and more enjoyable will not distract their attention from the food and their conversations with one another within their group.

Using Colors when Decorating your Restaurant

Colors in the restaurant’s design help stimulate the appetite to make the customers feel more comfortable having their meals.

  • Red is a color that helps the customer feel the desire to have a meal and yellow is associated with comfort and happiness, which makes them desire to eat with others.
  • Orange, or lighter shades of this color such as cantaloupe, makes people take action and have the energy to find their meals on the menu and the desire to eat. 
  • The color blue is associated with rest and a cooler environment and decreases the appetite.
  • Emerald green decreases the appetite because it is too energizing and makes people feel tired.
  • Light pink is a calming color that causes a decreased appetite.

Other Decorating Tips for your Restaurant

A solid tactic is trying to make the customer develop a personal connection to the restaurant. An interesting mural, a unique bathroom, and oversized plants are great to see and may even capture their affection for a nicely balanced decorating design.

Lighting can make the cultivated mood more successful. Seeing the lighting but not the source of it helps make this seamless for the customer. This creates an ambiance that focuses on the different textures and colors in the design. 

The placement of furniture within the restaurant is important. Chairs should always have at least three feet between them if they are at different tables. A dining area with simple chairs, such as black restaurant chairs, could keep the focus on the other decorating design areas of the restaurant, such as the focal point in the dining room, the lighting, and the wall decor, which should be lower than eye level so that it can be seen when seated.

The sounds within the restaurant should make the experience more inviting. Music that cultivates an energetic but subtle feeling is the best way to be certain the customers feel like having a meal and having a conversation with their dining companions.


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